Home Garden

How to Grow Red Wigglers

When it comes to keeping animals in your home, your initial ideas probably lean towards the cute and fluffy. However, earthworms make easy pets that can also be a practical addition to the home. From vermicomposting efforts to raising fishing bait, red wiggler earthworms are an ideal choice for home growing. These worms burrow only up to 12 inches below the surface and reproduce as often as once every seven days, giving you a virtually unending supply of composting help or fish bait. Take good care of these worms and you can have a constant colony of wigglers for years.

Things You'll Need

  • Opaque plastic container
  • Water
  • Soap
  • Drill with 1/16 inch drill bit
  • Bucket
  • Peat moss
  • Chicken mash
  • Spray bottle
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    • 1

      Wash your container thoroughly in hot, soapy water to remove any chemicals from the production process. Rinse until there are no more suds; you must remove all soap residue, as this can harm the worms. The size of the container you use will vary depending on the number of wigglers you want to grow. In general, 1 square foot of surface area holds up to 2,000 red wigglers.

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      Measure about 1 inch from the top of the container and drill a hole 1/16 inch in diameter. Drill holes along this line ever every 1 to 1 ½ inches around the top of the container. These holes in the top of the container will aid aeration for the worm bed.

    • 3

      Fill a separate bucket or container with peat moss and add enough water to cover all of the moss. Allow the moss to soak overnight so that it absorbs the water. This will make a comfortable, moist home for your wigglers. The amount of moss and water needed will vary by the size of your container. You must have enough wet moss to cover the bottom 6 to 7 inches of your container.

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      Grab a handful of peat moss and squeeze until only a few drops of water are forced from the moss. This will give you an ideal moisture content that allows for the worms to move easily but will not drown them.

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      Crumble squeezed peat moss to your clean worm container. Add enough moss to fill 6 to 7 inches of the container, which is the ideal burying depth for red wigglers.

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      Add your wigglers to the peat moss bed. They will likely bury immediately to get away from you and from the light in the room.

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      Sprinkle chicken mash, a chicken feed found in many feed stores and pet shops, in a thin layer over the top of the bedding. For the first feeding, only sprinkle enough to barely cover the bedding area.

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      Spray the food particles with a light mist of water; this will make the food easier for the worms to consume. Feed the earthworms only after they have completely consumed all of the previous food you gave them.

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      Store your earthworm container in a cool, dark location. Excessive heat from direct sunlight can kill worms.

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      Spray the bedding with a light mist of water anytime that it appears the moss is drying out. The frequency with which you will need to spray the bedding depends on your humidity.

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      Toss the bedding once every two weeks to allow for oxygen to penetrate the bedding. Lightly shift the bedding with your hands. Be careful when you toss, as the worms are still present in your bedding.