Home Garden

How to Control Garden Pests With Flowers & Herbs

Companion planting is the practice of growing crops that are mutually beneficial in the space. Some plants improve the flavor of a vegetable crop while others, primarily herbs and some flowers, discourage insect infestations. Planting herbs and flowers to control garden pests is a natural, organic and sustainable way to grow healthy, pest-free vegetable crops in the home garden. Pairing herbs and flowers with vegetable crops takes a little forethought, but the rewards are natural and delicious.


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      Plant companion herbs and flowers 6 inches from the base of the plant and about 6 inches apart. Select young, healthy-looking seedlings from a nursery or garden center.

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      Plant borage flowers near tomatoes; the borage plants discourage tomato worm, a predator that causes significant damage to a tomato crop. One to two borage plants for every large tomato vine will discourage infestations. Two to three french marigolds planted in the tomato garden deters white fly and nematodes.

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      Place basil plants throughout the vegetable garden to discourage mosquitoes and flies. Basil, planted in a planter and placed on a deck or patio, discourages mosquitoes from outdoor living areas.

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      Plant mint and its close relative lemon balm near cabbage and and tomato plants to discourage white cabbage moth infestations. This pungent herb will also discourage ants, fleas and ticks from living in the vegetable garden. Plant sage near cabbage. This pungent herb also discourages cabbage moth.

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      Put two or three parsley plants at the base of a rose bush to deter rose beetle. Plant rue in between the parsley at the base of the rose bush to discourage Japanese beetle infestations.

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      Plant a circle of nasturtiums and tansy under apple, peach, pear, plum, and cherry trees to discourage harmful flying insects, ants, and squash bugs.

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      Plant a border of wormwood around the perimeter of the vegetable garden. The strong smelling leaves poses a hindrance to animals trying to enter the garden area.