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How to Use Kitchen Magnets to Make Magnetic Water

Magnetized water is not magnetic. It doesn't attract iron filings or other metals. The term magnetized or magnetic water refers to its molecular structure. Negative magnetic fields around water break the molecules up into smaller clusters, making it easier for the body to absorb and use. Though you can purchase magnetized water, it's often very expensive. Save money by creating magnetic water in your home filter.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 gallon water filter pitcher
  • Ruler
  • Grease pencil
  • 10-1/2-inch wide ceramic disk magnets with N and S marks
  • Superglue
  • Water
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      Clean the outside of your pitcher with mild dish soap and water. This eliminates oil and grime that may prevent your magnets from sticking to the container.

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      Place a ruler vertically against the side of your container. Make five marks at even intervals down the side of the container. For instance, if your container is 10-inches high, make a mark every 2 inches. Repeat on the other side of the container.

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      Draw a spiral of superglue on the N side of a ceramic disk. Press it onto the container over one of your grease pencil marks. N marks the north pole of the magnet. Having this side facing in will negatively charge the water. Attach all of your magnets this way.

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      Allow the glue to dry overnight. Fill your container with water. Allow the water to magnetize for about 24 hours. It should taste "wetter" and smoother than water straight from the tap.