Home Garden

How to Purchase Thistle Seeds

Thistle seeds are small, black seeds that are native to Asia and Africa, and have a high oil content and caloric value that makes them an attractive food source for wild birds. Distribute thistle seeds using a thistle feeder -- also called a finch feeder -- or a thistle sack, both of which are commonly available in pet food sections in stores. Thistle seeds are safe to handle and attract a wide variety of birds; put out a feeder full of thistle seeds and you will have American Goldfinches flocking to your feeder.


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      Visit a local farm or home-supply store, or a large retailer like Walmart. Thistle seeds or Nyjer seeds, as they are also known, are prepackaged in sealed bags and are easy to find in the pet sections of these kind of stores.

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      Determine what size bag you require. Small to large bags of thistle seed are available, ranging in size from 5 to 25 pounds.

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      Plan ahead. Thistle seeds have a short shelf life; typically six to eight weeks. Select an appropriately sized bag and discard any leftovers within eight weeks of your purchase date.

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      Replace thistle seeds in feeders every three to four weeks to guarantee freshness. Open the feeder and discard the seeds in a trash can -- not on the ground for birds to eat. Replace with fresh seed.

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      Store seeds in a dry place, away from water and humidity, which can cause rot and mildew.