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Uses of Flaxseed Oil Capsules

Flaxseed oil comes from the seeds of the small, blue flax flower. The oil is used as a treatment and preventative medicine, though the jury is still out as to how effective flaxseed oil is, notes the University of Maryland Medical Center. However, the oil is rich in essential fatty acids the body needs to be healthy. Capsules can be swallowed, broken open and mixed with food or applied topically to help certain conditions.
  1. Treating Skin

    • Flaxseed oil can be used to moisturize dry, dull skin.

      Flaxseed oil capsules can be consumed orally or broken open and applied directly to the skin to treat certain conditions and improve skin quality. According to the Derm Blog website, the omega fatty acids contained in flaxseed oil "help your skin protect itself by increasing natural oils that your skin secretes on the surface," keeping the skin soft, supple and hydrated. You can also apply flaxseed oil to the skin to moisturize it and help to reduce the appearance of fine surface lines. Derm Blog states that applying the oil helps the skin to seal in moisture, preventing a dull, dry complexion.

    Relieving Constipation

    • Flaxseed oil has laxative properties.

      Flaxseed oil capsules can be consumed orally to get things moving in the event of constipation, as it is a natural laxative. Body Building for You states that flaxseed oil contains both insoluble and soluble fiber, which "cleans the colon of toxic material, metabolic waste and dried mucus," helping the body to produce bowel movements. Flaxseed MD explains that the oil lubricates the digestive system, helping to make going to the bathroom more comfortable and easier.

    Preventing Illness

    • The University of Maryland Medical Center states that flaxseed oil is high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can help prevent heart disease and arthritis. People adhering to the Mediterranean diet typically consume high amounts of alpha-linolenic acid and other essential fatty acids by eating large amounts of fish, whole grains and olive oil. You can make flaxseed oil a substitute for such items on a regular basis. Flaxseed oil also contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and, according to the University of Maryland, a diet high in these fats can potentially lower the risk of heart attack. The fats reduce inflammation and make blood vessels healthier, protecting the heart.

    Preventing Dry Eyes

    • Flaxseed oil can help prevent dry eyes.

      You can consume flaxseed oil orally to help prevent and relieve dry eyes, according to Flaxseed MD. A deficiency of the omega-3 fatty acids contained in flaxseed oil can cause dry eyes, which are often the "result of an insufficient outer oil layer in the tear film" that causes the water in tears to quickly evaporate before sufficiently lubricating the eye. Consuming flaxseed oil capsules helps the eye produce more of the needed oils, preventing dryness and irritation.