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Organic Fertilizer Companies

Although the chemical definition of organic includes natural and synthetic substances that contain carbon, organic fertilizers usually do not contain synthetic materials. Organic fertilizers are typically composed of plant- or animal-based products, such as sugar beet molasses or animal bones and blood. Espoma and Milorganite are companies that specialize in organic fertilizers, while Miracle-Gro produces a line of organic products under the Organic Choice label.
  1. Espoma

    • Espoma has manufactured organic products for more than 80 years. In addition to all-purpose fertilizers, they offer products specifically developed for certain types of plants. Gro-tone All-Purpose Plant Food Concentrate and Garden-tone dry fertilizer can be used on a variety of plants, including vegetables and flowers.

      Bulb-tone contains bone meal for better development and growth of bulbs, while Flower-tone contains more potash for more and larger blooms. Fertilizers for trees and shrubs include Holly-tone for acid-loving plants, Citrus-tone, Palm-tone and Tree-tone. Organic Lawn Food contains a high percentage of nitrogen for greener grass and beneficial microbes for healthier root systems.


    • Ferrell has been in business since 1946 and is the oldest manufacturer of organic fertilizers in the United States. It's website says their products are time-tested for safety and effectiveness, and comply with the National Organic Standards Federal Rule. Fertrell's certified organic fertilizers include products specially formulated fertilizers for berry bushes, hollies and turf grass. Super N fertilizer contains extra nitrogen for quick growth, while Super K fertilizer contains extra potassium (potash) to promote the growth of fruits and vegetables. The NoPhos fertilizer does not contain phosphorous and is ideal for areas that restrict the use of phosphates, such as areas on the waterfront. The Earth Friendly All Purpose fertilizer is a slow-release product that also conditions the soil for better root growth. Fertrell also offers several multi-ingredient fertilizers for general use, as well as products for starting plants and winterizing turf.


    • FoxFarm Soil and Fertilizer Company is a family business that has developed and produced organic plant foods for more than 17 years. Their products are based on earthworm castings and prepared in small batches for quality and consistency.

      Big Bloom Liquid Plant Food is an organic product that provides a balanced range of nutrients for flowering and fruiting plants. It contains a live culture of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, natural growth hormones and beneficial microbes.

      The Happy Frog and Peace of Mind lines of organic granular fertilizers contain feather and fish meal, bat guano, humic acid and 20 species of beneficial microbes. Both lines are available in several formulations, such as All Purpose, Acid Loving Plants, Rose Food and Premium Lawn. The Fruit and Flower Fertilizer encourages flowering and bud set, while the Tomato and Vegetable Fertilizer helps produce larger crops. Bat Guano is high in phosphorous, which also promotes flowering and fruiting. The Japanese Maple Fertilizer improves the color of the foliage.


    • Milorganite is manufactured at the Jones Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Oil and grease in wastewater are separated from the organic matter, known as biomass. The biomass is treated with microorganisms to purify it, then dried, screened and packaged. Milorganite contains 85 percent slow-release nitrogen, 4 percent complex iron and ingredients to promote microbial activity. It can be used on lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, vegetables and container plants. Two professional-grade products are also available for golf courses.

    Organic Choice

    • Organic Choice is a line of organic products manufactured by Scott's Miracle-Gro. The All-Purpose Plant Food in liquid form is derived from sugar beet molasses and can be used on outside plants and container plants. The dry All-Purpose Plant Food contains chicken litter and feather meal and can be used on outside plants.

      Bone Meal is a supplemental phosphorus product derived from non-cow sources for outside plants, especially roses and bulbs. Blood meal is also derived from non-cow sources as nitrogen supplement for outside plants, especially vegetable and flowers. The All Natural and Organic Holly Food contains organic protein nitrogen for acid-loving plants. Organic Choice Garden Soil and Potting Mix also contain fertilizers for promoting and maintaining healthy plant growth. Garden Soil should be used in outdoor planting areas and Potting Mix should be used in containers.