Home Garden

The Best Time to Plant Native Grass & Wildflowers

To successfully establish wild grasses and wildflowers in a garden, meadow or pastureland, attempt to duplicate the pattern established in nature. In the wild, seeds mature in the summer and are broadcast by nature in the fall and winter. Seeds are transported by birds, animals, wind and water.
  1. Preparing The Planting Area

    • Mow the meadow or field in late summer, before planting. Rake to remove dead grass and debris that cover the soil.

    Dormant Seeds

    • Wildflowers attract bees, birds and butterflies.

      Broadcast wildflower seeds after the soil temperature has dropped to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less and will remain that cold until springtime. The seeds will remain dormant until warmed by spring rains and milder days.

    Providing Moisture

    • Scatter seeds while it is raining or snowing. Snow will cover the seeds and protect them from foraging birds and help keep them in contact with the soil.