Home Garden

Lemon for Flea & Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are responsible for a variety of problems in pets. Several manufactured remedies are available for purchase to deter or eliminate these pests. A gentler and more affordable option may be found in lemons or lemon oil.
  1. Essential Oil

    • A lemon-based essential oil like lemon balm or lemongrass can be used to keep fleas and ticks at bay. Pet owners or groomers can apply a few drops of oil on the collar and may apply an additional few drops on the dog's rump. Fresh lemon balm leaves can also be tucked into or under a dog's collar.

    Lemon Spray

    • A homemade lemon spray can deter fleas and ticks. Six lemons can be halved, boiled in a quart of water, steeped for a few hours and strained into a spray bottle. The solution can be sprayed onto a pet or brushed in, taking care to avoid the animal's face. A simpler mixture can be made by simply mixing one part lemon juice with one part water.


    • Some effective commercial flea shampoos contain citrus oil. A gentler homemade shampoo can be made by thoroughly mixing one-third cup glycerin, one cup lemon dish soap, one cup white vinegar and one quart of water.

    Other Natural Remedies

    • There are other natural remedies to rid or deter fleas or ticks. Essential oils of lavender and geranium repel ticks, while lavender, peppermint and citronella oils fight fleas. Cedar, eucalyptus, neem, myrrh and rosewood can also be used. Small amounts of garlic can be fed to a pet to make it less attractive to fleas.