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Squash Bug Organic Pesticide

The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service reports the squash bug (Anasa tristis) is one of the most devastating pests preying on vine crops in the United States. The insects suck juices from plant leaves and inject toxic saliva.
  1. Organic Treatments

    • Organic gardeners have several options to combat the squash bug. Diatomaceous earth, neem oil, rotenone, ryania and sabadilla are pesticides certified for organic use with proven effectiveness against the squash bug. When applying pesticides, spray or dust the underside of leaves, where squash bugs lay their eggs.

    Homemade Controls

    • Organic pesticides are expensive, but several, less expensive homemade options are available to gardeners. One spray combines vegetable oil and liquid dishwashing soap with water, and a second option includes garlic, onion and hot pepper mixed with water. Another control method is to use a small early, overwintered squash crop as a trap for squash bugs. Plant the main crop later after you eliminate the trapped bugs.


    • Prevention is always the first choice of organic control. To discourage squash bugs, clear plant debris and old boards from garden areas. Mulching with newspaper and hay and using gauze row covers are also effective at preventing squash bug infestations.