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Sphagnum Peat Moss Properties

Sphagnum moss, a type of moss that grows in dense, thick clumps, is commercially grown in Canada, Ireland and Germany. The moss grows in layers in wet and boggy areas. Sphagnum moss forms a bog mat that floats on water and can support a person.
  1. Characteristics

    • Sphagnum moss is often a light green color. Some varieties are yellow, pink, brown and deep red. The perennial pants reach 1 to 4 inches in height with very shallow roots and prefer acidic soil.


    • When dried, sphagnum moss is lightweight and can absorb 10 to 20 times its weight in water. Today it is used as a soil additive. It is added to soil to improve the water holding capacity and to add organic matter. Sphagnum moss also is used in craft projects and floral arrangements. Peat moss, a common soil amendment, is partially decomposed sphagnum moss.


    • Because of its water absorption properties, sphagnum moss has historically been used in many ways. It was used as an insulation material to keep meats frozen and vegetables cool in the summer. Sphagnum moss was dried and used as a stuffing for mattresses, pillows and diapers. It also was used as a dressing for wounds.