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Where to Find Calendula & Linden Blossom

Calendula flowers and linden trees may sound like exotic plants, but they're also known as the common marigold and the basswood, lime or tilia flower tree, respectively. Both plants have dozens of uses and grow closer to home than you may think.
  1. Calendula Flowers

    • Calendula, or marigold, flowers grow mainly in the Northern hemisphere. They prefer cool spring temperatures and sprout in early April during the frequent spring rains. They like moist, well-drained soils and mild soil temperatures. These prolific flowers feature sunny blossoms packed very densely with petals. Blossom colors range from yellow to orange to dark red. Some varieties even have white petals with colored tips, making them a lovely addition to any garden. You can find them growing wild in the northern parts of North America, Europe and even the Mediterranean.

    Linden Trees

    • Also called basswood or lime trees, the linden tree likes a mild climate that is neither too warm nor too cold, rich soils and full sun. It grows in the wild throughout Europe, North America and Asia. Though it can grow up to 300 feet tall, growers often cultivate smaller trees to line walkways and drives. Linden trees feature broad, smooth, heart-shaped leaves and tiny, pale green flowers with five petals each. Though not showy, these trees make an elegant addition to a traditional or wild landscape.

    Calendula Benefits

    • According to Horizon Herbs, the calendula flower makes an effective remedy for insect bites, rashes, stings and other skin irritants. An antiseptic, the calendula helps wounds heal faster and relieves pain. You can boil the dried flowers into a tea as a wash or grind them into a paste and use like a salve.

    Linden Flower Benefits

    • Linden flowers, according to Herbs 2000, have a calming effect when brewed into tea. The tea soothes palpitations, frayed nerves, tense muscles and headaches. It can also help soothe congestion and fever. Pasted flowers make an itch-relieving salve.