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Can I Add My Red Worms to My Garden?

Red worms are good composting worms and are often used to process household scraps and other plant matter. They do their best composting work when placed in bins and fed on a regular basis. Red worms are surface feeders and can consume a large amount of plant matter every day. For gardeners who wish to avoid the extra step of keeping worms in a bin to make compost, it is possible to place red worms directly into the garden. However, there are some things to consider.
  1. Red Worm Types

    • There are thousands of types of worms, but there are two main kinds of red worms in the United States. The first is the red wiggler (Eisenia fetida). This worm is excellent for use in composting bin projects. It is a voracious eater and multiplies rapidly if there is enough food and space. Their burrows are shallow and they do not do well in the cold. The second common type is the banded worm (Lumbricus rubellus), which is often confused with the red wiggler. These worms are also surface feeders burrow more deeply than red wigglers and can survive in colder temperatures.

    Adding Red Wigglers

    • Because red wigglers feed at or near the surface and do not make very deep burrows, special preparations must be made to add them to a garden. The simplest way is to place the worms in the garden area, and then cover them completely with a thick, damp layer of mulch. This protects the worms and minimizes weed growth.

    Adding Banded Worms

    • Since banded worms burrow deeper into the soil than red wigglers, add them by using the trench method. The first step is digging trenches in several parts of the garden. Add plant scraps to the bottom, put in the worms and cover the trenches with a deep layer of mulch. This method is better in areas that are very hot or very cold, as it offers the worms more protection from temperature extremes.


    • Red worms benefit the soil through their digging and processing of decaying plant matter. They tunnel in the soil, allowing both air and water to penetrate. They bring up minerals from deep in the soil and carry nutrients from the top of the ground to deeper layers. When worms are in a garden, their activities help the plants to develop better, resulting in stronger, healthier plants.