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Pesticides for Common Grub Control

Grubs are the larval stage of many beetles including European chafer and Asiatic garden beetles. The pests extensively damage lawns by feeding on the grass roots. The pests are more common in dense growing grass planted in well-drained soil and areas of full sun. A number of pesticides help to control grubs in lawns.
  1. Identification

    • The University of Rhode Island Extension list halofenozide and imidacloprid as effective pesticides for grub control. The pesticides are sold under different tradenames.


    • Halofenozide is a synthetic hormone that causes pests to go into a premature, deadly and unregulated molt or growth upon ingestion. Holofenozide is most effective on mid-sized and larger sized grubs. Imidacloprid affects the insects' nervous system and works through ingestion or contact.


    • Apply holofenozide to lawns when you first see the adult beetles flying, usually between June 21 and July 21. The insecticide is highly effective for the control of Japanese beetle grubs and is minimally toxic for helpful soil insects. For higher efficacy, apply imidacloprid before insects start to lay their eggs, between April 1 and August 15.