Home Garden

Proper Care of Avocados

Jumping the gun to eat an unripe avocado will rid you of the fruit's great taste. Take extra care when shopping to make sure the fruit is ripe. There are steps you can take to ensure that you always consume the Mexican fruit in all its creamy and delicious glory.


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      When shopping for avocados, keep in mind the time of year. Avocados are ready to be picked in the fall, so avocados sold at any other time of the year may need extra time to mature.

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      Avoid smaller avocados, which typically indicate that the fruit was harvested before it was ready to be picked. Avocados not sold in fall may have thinner skins, which does not bode well for those hoping to store the avocado for a long period. Aim for fully grown avocados without blemishes, cracks in its outer shell, or dark, sunken spots.

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      Allow unripe avocados to ripen at home by setting them in a cool spot on a kitchen table or counter. Leave them in a place that it shaded from the sun. Test if they are ripe each morning by pinching the top and bottom. When they yield to pressure, they are ripe and ready to eat.

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      Add a splash of lemon or lime juice to a cut and peeled avocado before refrigerating. Contrary to popular belief, avocados can be refrigerated, as long as they are kept in a plastic bag or container. The citrus juice will keep them from turning dark.