Home Garden

Can I Use Grass Clippings on Fresh Plantings?

Grass clippings contain nitrogen and other nutrients. As they decompose, clippings release nutrients as an organic fertilizer. Grass clippings can be used as organic mulch. Apply the clippings on fresh plantings such as flower and vegetable beds.
  1. Features

    • Use grass clippings as a mulch to enrich soil, reduce weeds and conserve moisture. This mulch diffuses rain damage and insulates plant roots against weather extremes. Because grass clipping decompose quickly, they are suited to seasonal vegetable crops or annual flower beds.


    • Apply grass clippings in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry before adding another layer. Or allow the clippings to dry after mowing. Applying a mower bag of grass clippings directly to plants is not recommended because thick green clippings are likely to rot. Rotting grass smells bad and does not provide aeration.


    • Do not apply herbicide-treated grass clippings on flowers or vegetables. Residual herbicide may harm vegetables or flowers. Avoid using grass clippings contaminated with weed seeds, as the weeds will quickly sprout in the garden.