Home Garden

Uses for Sevin Dust

The ideal pest control is safe for children and pets in your home and yard, swiftly dealing with pesky insects. Sevin dust is an inexpensive broad-spectrum pesticide from Bayer that kills more than 100 types of bugs. It's also non-toxic to wild birds and any accidental inhalations are quickly eliminated from the bodies of humans or animals.
  1. Plant Pests: Aphids

    • Aphids, or plant lice, are small insects that suck the life out of your garden plants and pose a serious problem for commercial agricultural growers and forestry conservationists. Aphid infestations are spread by winged females seeking fresh food sources and the transportation of infected plants. Afflicted vegetables such as tomatoes or flowers may suffer from leaves and petals curling and wilting. Plants are stunted and fruit or bloom late. Use multiple applications of Sevin dust, according to the pack's instructions, to kill aphids in your garden.

    Lawn Pests: Nightcrawlers, Chinch Bugs and Beetle Grubs

    • Bugs that feed on the sap of your grass cause symptoms such as bald patches or yellow and green spots in sunny locations. Infestation by nightcrawlers, chinch bugs and beetle grubs respond to one application of Sevin. A second treatment, two to three weeks later deals with large numbers of these pests. After one treatment, nightcrawler populations should decrease by one-third. Repeat the treatment in the spring, when warm weather wakes up the bugs, to reduce populations by 70 percent. Apply Sevin after rain or watering. Don't mow your lawn or water it for two to three days after applying Sevin dust.

    Pet and People Pests: Fleas

    • Fleas are small biting insects with the ability to jump from host to host. These bloodsuckers can carry diseases like typhus fever and parasites such as tapeworms. They also cause itching and rashes from allergic reactions to bites. Cat, dog, human or rat fleas cannot be killed by just squeezing them between your fingers. These sturdy pests must be squashed and burned, or treated with pesticides such as Sevin dust. Once inside your home, these pests increase in numbers, requiring repeat treatments with pesticide to remove all the adults and unhatched eggs. Dust the pesticide thoroughly into cracks and corners in well-ventilated rooms. Wear protective rubber gloves and a face mask while you do this. To treat pets older than 12 weeks, dust well, but avoid their eyes, mouth, nose and genitals. Comb out dead fleas a few hours after the treatment and repeat the treatment as needed after a week or more has passed. Flea collars and clean bedding enhance the effect of Sevin dust.

    Shrub and Tree Pests: Bagworms

    • Bagworms are the offspring of moths. They make protective cases out of debris such as twigs and move around, feeding on infected trees or shrubs in this camouflaged package. These pests can feed on citrus trees, as well as red cedar, oak, elm, maple and birch trees, until all their foliage is gone, and they die. Shrubs afflicted by bagworms include juniper and black locust. A very few bagworms can be removed by hand. Once the population expands, an application of Sevin dust kills bagworm infestations and is most effective while the worms are half an inch or less in length.