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Impatiens Flower Plant Blooms

Also known as touch-me-not, sultana and bizzy Lizzy, impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) is a flowering member of the jewelweed family. Many varieties are available, with a wide range of flower colors and petal formations. Impatiens is the most popular annual bedding flower in the United States, according to the Missouri Botanical Garden.
  1. General Description

    • Most impatiens grown in low, rounded mounds that are 8 to 24 inches tall, with a similar spread. Commonly available varieties produce five-petaled flowers that are between an inch to a little over 2 inches in diameter. Leaves are ovate to elliptic, and up to 3 inches long. When grown in tropical climates, impatiens is an evergreen perennial. Climates must be frost free for the plant to appear year after year.

    New Guinea Impatiens

    • New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens "New Guinea") is a hybrid with flowers in a range of red, pink, coral and violet shades. Some types feature unusual or variegated leaves. Cultivars include Raul, Light Salmon and Celebration, a variety with a range of pink flowers and leaves with reddish veins. Both Celebrate Salmon and Celebrate Light Salmon have leaves with dark green margins and yellow centers. Celebrate Peach offers very dark green leaves and pale pink flowers. New Guinea impatiens are more sun-tolerant than most varieties, which do best in full shade to part shade.

    Rose Impatiens

    • Also known as double impatiens, Rose impatiens have layered, ruffly petals that resemble camellia or rose blooms. Plants are often low-growing and feature even, uniform branching. Varieties include Fiesta Rose double impatiens, a dark-green leaved variety that grows 10 to 16 inches tall, with a similar spread. Colors in the Fiesta series include burgundy, white, red, bicolor and shades of pink.

    Other Hybrids

    • According to Plant of the Week, Impatiens walleriana hybrids, also known as Super Elfin Red varieties, are the most commonly cultivated impatiens in the U.S. The low-growing plants reach 8 to 12 inches tall, producing glossy, narrow leaves that are 1 to 3 inches long. Stems are pale green. Plants bloom year-round when grown in a warm greenhouse. Flowers are most commonly vibrant red, but also may be in colors of soft pastels.