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What Flower to Use for a Periwinkle Boutonniere

The Periwinkle or vinca is a groundcover plant that has small bright blue-colored flowers. Periwinkle blue is one of the many shades of blue used for a decorative touch at parties and weddings. You can order or make periwinkle blue boutonnieres for a wedding, prom or party with several types of flowers.
  1. Delphinium

    • The small ruffled blossoms of the delphinium plant give a bright periwinkle blue coloring to a boutonniere. Multiple buds and blossoms should be used when making a delphinium boutonniere for an adult. One blossom will work well for a young boy. The blossoms are taped into a bundle and supported by a piece of wire or leaf steam. If ordering the delphinium, make sure that it is stipulated that you want periwinkle rather than navy blue florets.


    • Dyes and sprays are available to color a white carnation a periwinkle blue shade. Miniature carnations are appropriate for a younger person to wear. Lightly spray the edges of the entire set of petals a periwinkle color. Ask a florist to dip the heads of carnations in a periwinkle blue dye for your wedding or party boutonnieres. The white flowers can also be soaked in dye-tinted water to change color. The longer a carnation is soaked in water that contains dye the darker the coloring will become. A natural blue carnation does not exist. A violet blue carnation named "Moondust" has been genetically engineered by Australian scientists at a company called "Florigene."


    • The flag iris has a striking blue color that is well suited to a periwinkle boutonniere. The flower can be coupled with a bud for a wedding participant or party goer. The hollow stem of the blossom should be wired and secured with floral tape to keep it from splitting open.


    • The blue hydrangea blossom is a sturdy flower for a boutonniere. Combine three to five of the four-petal florets with one small hydrangea leaf as a backer piece. Wrap floral tape around the stems to secure the leaf and florets together. The rounded ball shape of a hydrangea can be maintained or you can make a crescent shape with the stems and florets.