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Are Orchids Safe With Parrots?

Orchids are tropical flowers that can brighten any space. However, if you have a pet parrot that you let out of its cage, you may fear that the parrot could be hurt by the orchid. After all, a wide variety of plants are poisonous to birds and animals.
  1. Plant Toxicity

    • Orchid foliage and flowers are generally non-toxic to birds, according to the Parrot and Conure World website. That means that your parrot will be safe even if it nips at the flower with its beak. Thus, if you're looking for a way to create an oxygen-rich space for your parrots, planting orchids is an effective way to do so while brightening up your home.

    Potential for Upset

    • While orchids are typically not poisonous to parrots, that doesn't mean they are completely safe. Your parrot may experience some intestinal upset if it eats foliage from an orchid plant. Additionally, there are many types or orchids, and some may cause more gastrointestinal problems than others for your pet parrot.

    Fertilizer Danger

    • People often spray houseplants, including orchids, with special fertilizers designed to make them flourish. However, such products could contain chemicals that are dangerous, if not outright poisonous, to birds. Thus, if you plan to let your parrot come into contact with your orchids, abstain from using chemical-based products on the plant.

    Other Potential Hazards

    • Some people who don't like the idea of using chemical-based products on their plants choose instead to apply things like coffee grounds to the soil. Coffee grinds can poison your parrot. Additionally, if the orchid is in a planter with other types of plants, ensure those plants are not poisonous to your parrot. Some plants to avoid include avocado, tomato and rhubarb.