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Mosquitoes and Eucalyptus

Mosquitoes can make life miserable during the hot, humid months. They're not just an annoyance; their bites can transmit disease. While many chemical-based products are available to repel mosquitoes, some people prefer natural repellants. Fortunately, lemon eucalyptus oil does the job effectively.
  1. Definition

    • Lemon eucalyptus oil comes from the eucalyptus plant. It's a completely natural substance derived from the plant's leaves and bark, with a light fragrance most people find pleasant. The synthesized version is called p-menthane, PMD or 3,8-diol. While natural mosquito repellants containing lemon eucalyptus oil are sold, you can make your own by mixing the oil with water at a ratio of 30 percent oil and 70 percent water, then spraying liberally.

    How It Works

    • Mosquitoes are biologically equipped with special chemical receptors that detect the smell of humans. Eucalyptus oil effectively deceives those receptors by masking that scent. Additionally, mosquitoes naturally don't like the scent of lemon eucalyptus, so even if they know that there is a feast in front of them, they won't come near you.


    • A 30 percent mixture of eucalyptus oil will provide similar protection to a chemical repellant with 10 to 15 percent DEET. It's more effective than products containing citronella or soy derivatives as well. It keeps working for up to six hours. However, while its pretty effective against the types of mosquitoes found across the United States, its effectiveness has not been tested against the mosquitoes found in other parts of the world, which can spread malaria.


    • Lemon eucalyptus oil is sold in grocery stores, drug stores and sporting good stores. It can typically also be found in natural food stores. According to the Dr. Oz Fans webpage, it'll cost you about the same as DEET-based products, but you won't get the potentially harmful chemicals with your mosquito-free summer.