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How to Hybridize Orchids

With over 20,000 known species, it's no wonder that orchids have a seemingly endless variety of colors, shapes and sizes. While there is likely an orchid to please anybody's taste, a homemade variety can be much more meaningful. The process of cross-pollination between two different orchid varieties can result in a new, beautiful type of orchid. While cross-pollination may sound intimidating, even the novice gardener may successfully do it without the need for special equipment.

Things You'll Need

  • Small jar
  • Tweezers
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    • 1

      Choose two healthy orchids of different varieties. Watch the growth rate of both and begin the pollination process as soon as both flowers bloom.

    • 2

      Locate the column of the orchid blooms. The column is at the top center of the bloom and the color is generally lighter than that of the surrounding parts. A column can also be identified by the small "cap" attached to the end of it -- commonly referred to as the anther cap. Directly behind the anther cap is the stigma -- the sticky female part of the orchid.

    • 3

      Hold a small jar beneath the father orchid. Pull the anther cap off of the flower with a pair of tweezers and gently lay it in the jar. Notice the pair of tiny yellow circular parts on the anthem cap. These are the pollinia, which contain the pollen.

    • 4

      Move on to the mother orchid. Pull the anthem cap off of the mother flower and discard it to prevent self-pollination. Use a calm, steady hand to ensure the pollinia do not touch the stigma.

    • 5

      Pick up the anther cap of the father orchid using the tweezers. If the pollinia have fallen away from the cap, pick one of them up on its own.

    • 6

      Rub the pollinia against the stigma of the mother flower. The sticky substance on the stigma should allow the pollinia to stay in place on its own. Repeat the process with the second pollinia.

    • 7

      Care for the orchid until the bloom naturally falls off. If pollination was successful, a seed pod containing hybrid seeds will form.