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The Best Places to Plant Mums

Garden mums line the front of retail stores in late summer and early fall, just in time to add bright color to the fall garden. These daisy-like flowers sport colors from pale yellow to deep mahogany. One plant produces an abundance of flowers, creating a dense mound of blooms. What many do not realize is that you can grow your own assortment of fall-blooming mums by starting them from seedlings in the spring.
  1. Lighting

    • Mums require a sunny location that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day. Consecutive hours of sunlight is not necessary. A few hours of sunlight in the morning, midday shade and afternoon sunlight may be preferred in hot, dry climates, as it shields plants from the hottest part of the day.


    • Mums prefer rich, well-drained soil for optimal growth. Till or dig the soil to depth of 8 to 12 inches to allow room for roots to grow. Amend with compost or well-rotted manure to improve the texture, increase aeration and promote good drainage. Add fertilizer at planting time, following manufacturers directions for working the fertilizer into the soil.


    • Mums prefer slightly moist soil and should be planted in an area that receives adequate water. If supplemental water is needed, water as soon as the soil feels dry 1 inch below the surface of the soil. Water thoroughly, saturating the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Deep watering once or twice a week is preferred to frequent shallow watering, as it encourages deep root formation.


    • Begin pinching out new growth on mum plants when they are approximately 4 inches high. This forces new growth along the stem and creates dense, compact foliage characteristic of mature mums. Repeat pinching once a month until July or August. Pinching mums after Aug. 15 may result in few or no blooms, as you may remove the buds.