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How Does Torpedo Grass Spread?

Torpedograss (Panicum repens) is a weed that was introduced into the U.S. during the late 19th century from Africa or Asia. The intended purpose of the plant was its use in pastures as a forage crop. However, the plant escaped cultivation in many regions and rapidly started to displace native vegetation with its aggressive growth rate. Torpedograss spreads through a specific method.
  1. Mode of Spread

    • Torpedograss is a perennial plant that spreads with underground stems called rhizomes. Although the weed also produces seeds, the seed propagation rate is variable. The seeds and rhizomes of torpedo grass can move through water. If the grass is pulled up, the remaining fragments of the rhizomes in the soil lead to the growth of new plants.


    • The weed is found most extensively in the sandy, wet soil of marshes, ditches, ponds, lakes and river banks, wetlands and estuaries in the tropical and subtropical regions of the U.S. The rhizomes grow directly from shorelines and can thrive in water. Torpedograss also grows in inland, drier ground and tolerates drought conditions. The weed causes the most problems in crops like sugarcane and adapts well to areas of sun and partial shade.


    • Torpedograss has a mature height of up to 3 feet with sharp, torpedo-like growing tips that give the weed its name. The uppersides of the stiff, linear, flat or folded leaf blades are hairy and are often coated in a waxy, white coating. The weed blooms with 3- to 9-inch long panicle-type inflorescence. Vegetative reproduction by means of rhizome fragments is the main method of plant expansion.


    • Since even a very small piece of rhizome leads to the growth of new plants, the use of herbicides is the highly recommended method of plant control. Mechanical control is only moderately effective in controlling the weed. The University of Florida Extension cites the use of glyphosate as the most effective control chemical. Another recommended chemical is imazypyr. All chemicals are systemic in nature and are sold under different tradenames.