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Types of Buckwheat

Buckwheat is a type of plant native to Asia. It is grown in several other parts of the world including North America, Africa, and Asia. Buckwheat is most commonly grown for its grain, which if often fed to livestock such as cattle, hogs, and poultry. There are three types of buckwheat: common buckwheat, tartary buckwheat and winged buckwheat.
  1. Common Buckwheat

    • Common buckwheat, or Fagopyrum esculentum, as its name suggests, is the most commonly grown variety of buckwheat. This type of buckwheat generally flowers a month after germination, sooner than other types of buckwheat. A typical buckwheat plant can grow to be about 12 to 22 inches tall and grows superficial roots as well as a deep taproot system. Common buckwheat is commonly grown for its grain, but is also grown to protect agricultural fields that would otherwise be without crops.

    Tartary Buckwheat

    • Tartary buckwheat, also known as "dattan soba," is a type of buckwheat which originated in the Yunnan and Sichuan provinces of China. It was first cultivated by the Chinese Yi tribe. Tartary buckwheat contains over 100 times the amount of rutin, a botanical used to treat several medical conditions, that natural buckwheat contains. Tartary buckwheat takes about 10 days longer to seed than common buckwheat. Tartary buckwheat is commonly uses to make buckwheat noodles.

    Winged Buckwheat

    • Winged buckwheat, or Pterogonum alatum, is also commonly referred to as "notched buckwheat." It derives its name because the seeds which the plant produces open out and the seed bracts form flat wing-shaped appendages. Winged buckwheat is common in desert climates such as Arizona's ponderosa woodlands. Winged buckwheat plants usually grow to be about three feet in height.


    • Rutin is a bright yellow biotinflavinoid with many antioxidant properites. It is produced within all types of buckwheat plants. Rutin is removed from the flowers and leaves of the buckwheat. According to WebMD, rutin is used to treat osteoarthritis and may be effective for treating varicose veins, blood vessel disease and treating a side effect of cancer treatment.