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About Angel Trumpets

Angel trumpets are beautiful, fragrant flowering plants famous for their flower shape and large size. A gorgeous complement in the corner of any garden, angel trumpets evoke a tropical feeling. Often, gardening authorities say angel trumpets can be grown as perennials only in warmer parts of the US, but some varieties can weather freezing temperatures. In colder regions, potted angel trumpets can also be brought inside in the winter. Wherever they are grown, they are prized for their scent, their blossoms and their mysterious history of use as a poison and a dangerous drug.
  1. Classification and Names

    • The flowers are similar in shape to common depictions of angels' trumpets.

      "Angel trumpet" is the common name for members of the Brugmansia and Datura genera, both themselves part of the Solanaceae family. Other members of the Solanaceae family include tobacco, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, deadly nightshade and belladonna. There are seven species in the Brugmansia genus and nine in the Datura genus. All species have the signature trumpet-shaped flowers. The origin of the name Angel Trumpet may simply be due to the appearance of the flower, or it may also relate to the high toxicity of the flower, which evokes a symbol of coming death.


    • Angel trumpets flowers are narrow near the stem and widen to up to 13.5 inches. The flowers can be up to 20 inches long. The dramatic flowers are often accompanied by large leaves. Brugmansia flowers grow on large shrubs, with the flowers hanging down as if they are dropping or swinging from the branches, while Datura often grows close to the ground. The flowers come in a range of colors, including white, bright orange, lavender, yellow-green and pink.

    Location and Cultivation

    • Brugmansia originated in South America.

      Brugmansia are originally from South America, especially the northwestern part of the continent. They are planted as landscape plants in warm-weather areas, such as coastal California, and Datura shows up often as a weed as well. Angel Trumpets can grow in sun or in shade, as long as the soil is well drained and the plant is regularly watered. The plants can be started in plastic pots by rooting cuttings or planting seeds.


    • Angel trumpets cause deaths or permanent damage to humans every year.

      Angel trumpets are famous for their high levels of six different alkaloids. The flowers, throughout history, have been used as a poison and a hallucinogen. However, they are not used recreationally, since an overdose is difficult to avoid, psychotropic experiences are unpleasant and death often results. Many people purposely uproot the plant from their gardens to prevent accidental toxic exposure, since the poisonous alkaloids can travel through the skin.