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Can You Put Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food on the Leaves?

Flower and vegetable plants thrive through spring, summer and fall, with bright foliage, blooms and fruit. All plants, though, require nutrition and support to bear their leaves, flowers and fruits. Use complete all-purpose food like Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food to nurture plants, but always follow safety directions. Plant food applications and safety guidelines depend on the type of Miracle-Gro you purchase.
  1. Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food

    • Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food encourages better plant health, blooming, fruit and vegetable production, as well as plant strength. This product contains a 24-8-16 analysis of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous and works best with established plants. The produce comes in water-soluble and granular varieties.

    Water-Soluble Food

    • Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food mixes with water for feeding during waterings. Use this product safely on soil, stems and foliage for both root and foliar uptake. Mix the product with water per manufacturer directions and water the plants as usual.

    Shake 'n Feed Food

    • Granular fertilizer contains more concentrated vitamins and minerals for slow release and burns foliage, stems and roots on contact. Keep Miracle-Grow Shake 'n Feed Continuous Release All Purpose Plant Food off foliage for protection. Sprinkle the granules onto the soil around the stem of each plant, with 1 to 2 inches of space between fertilizer and stem, and mix the soil. Always water the soil after granular fertilizer applications to dissolve the granules. Follow manufacturer directions in regard to fertilizer quantity.

    Soil and Maintenance

    • Get the most out of any fertilizing schedule with the right planting and maintenance. Mix organic compost into the natural soil at planting and every spring thereafter to give plants rich, loose and moisture-retaining foundations. Start feedings in spring before the first flush of new growth. Repeat water-soluble feedings every seven to 14 days and granular fertilizer feedings every three months.