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How Can I Preserve Orchids With Glycerin?

Craft enthusiasts use a variety of methods to preserve fresh flowers and leaves for use in floral arrangements and craft projects. Glycerin produces better results when used with an orchid's foliage than with its flower. The plant absorbs the glycerin solution through a cut stem. The glycerin replaces the plant's moisture, leaving the foliage pliable. The process darkens the plant's color. It is best suited for mature, fresh plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Glycerin
  • Vase
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Cut the portion of the orchid plant you wish to preserve with glycerin and submerge the cut ends in a vase filled with warm water for about two hours.

    • 2

      Combine one part glycerin with two parts hot water. Use the hottest tap water possible.

    • 3

      Pour the glycerin mixture into an empty vase so that it is about 3 inches deep.

    • 4

      Trim off the ends of the cut stems and make a cross cut at the end of each stem. Place in the vase with the glycerin mixture, submerging the cut ends.

    • 5

      Place the vase in a dark, warm, dry location and leave undisturbed for about three weeks.

    • 6

      Check the vase periodically during the three weeks, and add more glycerin solution to the container when the level falls under 3 inches.

    • 7

      Remove the stems from the solution and trim off the cut ends slightly.

    • 8

      Bundle the stems and hang upside down in a dry, dark location for about two weeks.