Home Garden

Spider Gerbera

The Spider Gerbera daisy gets its name from having thin, stringy petals that fan outward in layers around the center of the flower. The tiny petals look like spider legs that shoot out in all directions. Pair Spider Gerbera with other types of daisies and flowers in your garden, and give these beauties away as gifts. Gerbera flowers have similar care and soil requirements.
  1. Characteristics

    • The Spider Gerbera has petals that grow 3 to 7 inches in diameter. This small daisy also grows about 12 inches tall, depending on conditions. This daisy stands out in comparison with other daisies because of the distinctive shape and look of the petals. It blooms in many colors such as white, pink, yellow, orange, peach and tri-colors. Many other types of Gerbera flowers showcase these same colors, but the distinctive thin petals set the Spider daisy apart. The Spider Gerbera's stems have a thick appearance with medium-green foliage.


    • All Gerbera flowers can develop diseases from poor health, pest infestations and other factors. The University of Florida says powdery mildew can infect these daisies when there is high humidity and prolonged cloudy weather. The disease looks like clusters of white powder-like mildew on the flowers and leaves. As time goes on, the plant dries out and dies. Other fungal diseases such as gray mold can also affect Spider Gerberas.


    • Spider Gerberas and other types of Gerberas can attract certain pests that disrupt the life cycle and integrity of the plant. Common pests include spider mites, thrips and caterpillars. These insects eat the foliage and petals, which cause the plant to die off quickly or develop disease. Control pests with a natural or chemical pesticide and cut off damaged leaves.

    Soil and Care

    • Gerbera daisy flowers require nutrient-rich, well-draining soil to grow best, so till the ground 5 or more inches deep, and add 3 inches of compost or fertilizer before planting your flowers. Plant Spider Gerberas in the spring when the ground has softened. The Alabama Cooperative Extension notes that Gerbera species grow best in soil with a pH between 5.8 and 6.0. Place potted Spider Gerberas near a sunny window, or find a sunny area in your garden for transplants and seedlings. Water these plants with 1 or more inches of water each week and add more water if the soil becomes too dry.