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Potted Privet Hedge Plants

Privets are fast-growing evergreen and deciduous shrubs widely used as hedges and screens. The plants are native to North Africa, Europe and Asia and adapt well to a wide range of soil types. Privets have a dense growth with oval, dark green leaves 1 to 2 inches long, and they bloom with white flower clusters in spring. Privet hedge plants grow as well in containers and pots as in the ground.
  1. Growth Traits

    • Privets respond well to shearing and pruning, and this makes them suitable choices as hedges. Potted privets may also be pruned into formal shapes or could be trained as topiaries. Shrubs with very small foliage, such as privet, holly, rosemary and boxwood, are cited as ideal for growing in containers, as suggested by James Cooper et al in "New Complete Aussie Backyard Book." The University of Florida Extension website suggests using Japanese and glossy privet for tall potted trees for patios.

    Pot Selection

    • Containers come in a large variety of sizes and material. Choose the size according to the area where the container will be placed, such as the patio or deck. For hedges, an appropriate size would be a half-barrel size. Among the most attractive options for the pot material are terracotta and stone, according to "New Complete Aussie Backyard Book." Though plastic is more convenient and lightweight, it is flimsier and less attractive than terracotta.

    Soil and Site

    • A privet adapts well to a range of soil types as long as it is well drained. The preferred soil pH range is between 6.0 to 7.5. The plant has low tolerance for poorly drained or wet soil. Plant privets in areas of sun or shade, as the plants adapt to different light conditions. Avoid placing pots in areas receiving direct salt spray. Apply a 15-15-10 or 15-5-15 fertilizer two or three times a year.

    Pruning Suggestions

    • Start pruning privet hedges immediately after planting by cutting the plant down to a height of 1 foot in early spring. Continue cutting down the plant to this height for two to three years to help the base fill out and grow dense. Prune regularly thereafter to maintain the desired size of hedge. Privets are easily pruned to produce informal or formal hedge forms.