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Can You Start Peace Lilies From Cuttings?

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum wallisii) have dark-green foliage and produce blossoms that turn white and grow above the foliage. The plants grow well as houseplants and do not require much care. Peace lilies are best propagated from cuttings because seeds take a long time to grow. Root and crown division allow you to take cuttings, repot them and grow new peace lilies. Dividing a peace lily also gives it more growing room that it does not remain too crowded in its container.
  1. Root Division

    • Water the peace lily before dividing the roots, so that they do not easily tear. When ready to divide the lily, lay the pot on its side and squeezing gently releases the peace lily from its container. Gently pull the peace lily from the container and remove the excess dirt from the plant's crown. Examine the roots for offshoots growing from the crown. Carefully pull the roots apart if they are matted. Divide the peace lily into divisions that include at least two leaves, and the roots must remain attached to a portion of the crown. Cut through the horizontal roots connected to the crown with sterile garden shears. Divide the peace lily into the desired number of cuttings.


    • Once you have a peace lily cutting, prepare a container 8 to 10 inches in diameter with moist potting soil. Set the peace lily crown into the container, so that the roots are below the soil level. Place the crown at the same growing level as in the previous container. After planting the crown, pressing down on the soil packs it down around the peace lily. Add fresh, sterile potting soil if you do not have enough leftover soil to fill the container.


    • Water the peace lily cuttings after propagating them. Watering stimulates root growth. Water the soil to keep it moist but do not overwater because of root rot. Allow the soil to dry between each watering. Apply a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer after three months. Follow the directions on the package and only apply 1/4 of the recommended dose because the plants do not require much fertilizer. Fertilize the peace lily plant every other month and stop applying fertilizer if the leaves turn brown.


    • Divide peace lilies during the dormant season for best results. Waiting to divide the plants damages the roots. Always plant peace lilies in containers with adequate drainage. Allowing the plants to sit in standing water causes root rot, which eventually kills them. Place the peace lilies in a bright location with indirect sunlight, such as an east- or south-facing window. The lilies grow best in temperatures between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 58 to 75 F at night.