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What Do Daisies Need to Live?

Daisies are one of those flowers that even non-gardeners recognize. With cheery rays of petals in every color from white to red, and sizes ranging from the diminutive English daisy to the stately gerbera, there is certainly a daisy for everyone. They're also easy to grow. With the proper conditions, gardeners at every skill level can have daisies in their gardens.
  1. Planting

    • Daisies can be grown from seeds, basal cuttings or division. Both annual and perennial varieties require full sun. Plant perennials in a spot where they'll have room to spread. Soil should be rich, so consider amending the soil with peat or compost prior to planting. Keep the soil moist but not soaking. Good drainage is important, especially in places with rainy winters because daisy roots left in standing water are prone to rot.


    • Both annual and perennial varieties benefit from deadheading. Snip spent blooms with scissors back to a lateral bud or leaf to help promote repeat blooming. Fertilize daisies in the spring and again in early summer. Keep soil moist -- according to the National Gardening Association daisies need 1 inch of rain a week. Extra irrigation may be necessary during drought conditions.

    Perennial Care

    • Perennial daisies need extra care to stay healthy through the winter. Make sure they don't get waterlogged during heavy rains. According to the University of Idaho, cutting perennial daisies to the soil line in the fall can help extend their lives. Divide them every three to four years to prevent overcrowding.


    • The shasta daisy is one of the most commonly planted in gardens. Its white-petaled, yellow-centered flowers are the classic daisy form. Some varieties of shasta daisy include the hardy Alaska, the prolific dwarf Silver Princess and the 30-inch tall Switzerland. Gerbera daisies are known for their huge flowers blooming in bright colors ranging from white, yellow and orange to pink, fuchsia and red. African daisies are generally grown as annuals and have colorful blooms ranging from single to two-toned.