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Description of Hibiscus Kriya Yoga

Paramahansa Yogananda is credited with popularizing the ancient practice of kriya yoga in the Western world. After completing his studies in India, Yogananda journeyed to the West, where he taught kriya yoga between 1920 and 1952. A major part of kriya yoga practice involves the ceremonial usage of flowers. The hibiscus plays a significant symbolic role in kriya yoga.
  1. Kriya Yoga

    • Yoga is an increasingly popular activity that promotes both physical and mental wellness. The word "kriya" is Sanskrit and means "action." It is based in the philosophical idea that all forms of action can be translated into forms of worship. The task of kriya yoga, then, is to attain enlightenment on a path of rigorous self discovery. It combines the study of metaphysics with the physical exercises associated with yoga, and is thus generally taught under the auspices of a kriya yoga master.

    Hibiscus and Kriya Yoga

    • Flowers proliferate throughout nearly all forms of yoga. In kriya yoga, the hibiscus is meant to represent Shakti. Shakti has two meanings. First, it is known as the divine force that thoughts possess. Secondly, Shakti is the female personification of the divine in Hindu belief. Kriya yoga teachers use the crimson hibiscus when teaching their students about this goddess. It is usually employed as a symbol, with each of the five petals meant to represent one of the five senses. Hibiscus flowers can also be found on yoga mats and are often used in the logo for yoga centers.


    • Hibiscus is also used in initiation ceremonies for students who are about to begin their formal study of kriya yoga. This initiation entails a purification of the senses, spine and body, as well as blessings with flowers, which are typically hibiscus. The initiation also includes a sprinkling of holy waters, offerings to God and the yoga master as well as affirmations. At that point, a monetary donation is typically made to the yoga master or the center at which the studies will take place.

    Yoga Rituals With Hibiscus

    • Shakta rituals are kriya yoga exercises that attempt to purify both mind and body. Mantras are recited, hand gestures are made and water is sipped. Another important element is the usage of spices and flowers, including the red hibiscus. A sweet basil leaf and a bilwa leaf typically surround it.