Home Garden

How Much Water Does a Primrose Need?

Primroses are colorful summertime flowers, and they grow as perennials with the right care. These woodland natives need rich, moist soil, cool planting locations and frequent waterings to thrive, bloom and return year after year.
  1. Season

    • Primroses are perennial woodland flowers and live for years in home gardens. They do best with early-spring to mid-spring plantings for cool, moist starts and warm summer growing seasons. Plant them around the last frost of the year in your area.

    Site and Light

    • As woodland flowers, primroses do best in sites with moderate lighting and temperatures. They dry, wilt and die in too much bright, hot sun, regardless of watering. Keep your primroses moist and healthy by planting them in moderate or filtered shade. The plants also thrive with some morning sun and afternoon shade.


    • Primroses require moist, dark and nutritious soil for long-term nutrition and moisture retention. They fail in tight or dry soil. Emulate forest floors with rich organic compost, fern matter and leaf mold at planting. The organic matter retains moisture and adds nutrition to the soil for plants.


    • Primroses planted in the right site and soil do best with consistent, deep waterings every week. Water each plant with 1 to 2 inches of water every week and use organic mulch to maintain the soil moisture. Mulch also adds nutrition to the soil and limits weed growth in the primrose bed.