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What Conditions Does a Jasmine Seed Need to Sprout?

More than 200 varieties of Jasmine exist. These woody shrubs typically climb or trail. They do well in warmer climates, and gardeners do cultivate them successfully from seed, given the right care and sprouting conditions. If you get seeds from a jasmine plant, look for ripe pods that aren't too heavy, though seeds are available at nurseries and seed companies.
  1. Proper Moisture

    • Jasmine seeds typically need to soak in water overnight, or they may not sprout. The water encourages them to germinate when light and temperature conditions are also optimal. Remove a 1/8 to 1/4-inch section of the seed coat beforehand so the seeds take in more moisture. Set the seeds in a dish and cover them completely with water, letting them sit for 12 hours. Remove any floating seeds, and sow the rest. After sowing the seeds, keep them watered by adding drinking water to a small tray below the pot until the growing media is damp to the touch.

    Proper Temperature

    • Like other plant seeds, jasmine seeds go into dormancy in colder temperatures. In nature, lower temperature indicates the winter season, and the seed wouldn't do well if it germinated and sprouted too early, especially in frosty climate. Placing your jasmine seeds in a warm spot mimics early spring conditions and tells them that the growing season is here, and conditions are right to germinate and grow. Planted jasmine seeds need temperatures ranging between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit to sprout, depending on the variety.

    Growing Media

    • Jasmine seeds need to be planted in proper media to sprout. Seeds won't do well in potting soil and need a light, absorbent, soiless medium instead. They also need nutrients to grow. Mix equal parts perlite, compost, coarse sand and peat moss together, and use a strainer to sift out any large pebbles and debris.

    Proper Planting and Light

    • Plant your jasmine seeds in 4- to 6-inch plastic pots. Clay pots will lose moisture, so don't use them for sprouting. Fill each pot with a 1/2 inch of growing media, and place two seeds 1/4 inch deep in the media, but don't cover the seeds. They need light to sprout and speed germination. Place them in a spot that gets about 6 to 8 hours of indirect sunlight per day until they sprout.