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Type of Anthurium Blooms for a Bird Nest

Anthuriums are glossy-leaved tropical plants used both indoors and out for their colorful blooms. No species of anthurium are commonly used by birds, though there is a species called a bird's nest anthurium (Anthurium hookeri) because of the rosette-like formation of its foliage. Interestingly, the bird's nest anthurium's flowers are not as large or colorful as other anthurium species.
  1. Description

    • Anthuriums can vary from species to species. In general they have glossy, deep green leaves shaped like an elongated heart. There are some variegated varieties and the bird's nest anthuriums have longer, more lanceolate leaves with less prominent flowers. Flowers are generally heart shaped with a thick, seed head or spathe projecting from the center. Flowers range in color from white to red and pink.


    • As tropical plants, anthuriums require moist, well-drained soil and do best in the shade or low light levels. According to the University of Florida you may need to mist houseplants several times a day in order to maintain their glossy foliage. Plant them in soil amended with organic matter. Divide them every few years for optimal growth.

    Pest Concerns

    • As with many plants, anthuriums are susceptible to pests. Sap sucking mites, scales and mealybugs are most problematic to these plants. Mites often leave a fine webbing all over plants. Scales are immobile and resemble small, circular scabs. Mealybugs are slow moving and covered in a white, cottony mass of filaments. All can be killed by wiping the plant down with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol.


    • Bird's nest anthuriums have large, white spathes with glossy white berries. Their flowers are not showy and they are typically grown for their foliage. A. hookeri "Supurbum" has large, stiff leaves that are deep green and corrugated. A. hookeri "Alicia" has narrower, smooth leaves with a narrow rosette, or nest. A. hookeri "Ruffles" has broad, long and ruffled leaves with an open nest.