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What Are the Characteristics That Distinguish Plant Cells From Other Type of Cells?

Cells are the most basic building blocks of life. Animals and plants are both made up of millions of individual cells. Because plants are different from other forms of life, the structure of their cells is different to perform their life functions. The way plants grow and feed requires that their cells possess certain aspects not found in other life forms.
  1. Cell Walls

    • Plant cells, along with fungi, differ from animal and single-celled organisms in one major way. Because plants have no central supporting skeleton or exoskeleton, they have to have a way to maintain a solid shape. This is achieved by the presence of a cell wall just outside of the cell's membrane. These walls are made of cellulose formed into fibrous strands. The walls are not fully solid, but have holes in them to allow movement in and out of the cell and also to help hold groups of cells together. Animal cells do not possess this cell wall, and instead only have the membrane. Bacteria do have cell walls but they are not made of cellulose.


    • A unique aspect of plants is the way they create energy from sunlight through a process called photosynthesis. To do this, plant cells have to possess structures called chloroplasts. These green organelles are what give plants their coloration. Light is taken in by the chloroplasts and converted into chemical energy. Carbon dioxide and water are converted by using the sunlight to turn them into glucose. This supplies energy and oxygen is the by-product.


    • Another aspect of plant cells that makes them different is the size of the vacuoles. Vacuoles are sack-like organelles found in the center of cells that help with structural support, energy storage, waste disposal and growth. In other non-plant cells, the vacuoles are smaller and used as temporary storage and to transport substances through the cell.

    What They Lack

    • Plant cells lack a few things present in animal and other types of cell. One of them is intermediate filaments, which are fine fibers inside of some cells. These are made of proteins, such as keratin, and make up a structural framework within the cell. Plant cells also lack centrioles, which are found in other types of cells. These organelles are instrumental in the assemblage and separation of chromosomes within cells.