Home Garden

How to Have Blossoms on African Violets

The purple flowers and evergreen foliage of African violets add a decorative touch to your home or office without requiring elaborate care. Their hardiness makes them an undemanding houseplant for beginners. However, although African violets often survive under less than optimal conditions, they might not flower. To have blossoms, provide the right conditions, in particular the right soil, amount of light and amount of water.

Things You'll Need

  • Clay pot pieces
  • Coarse gravel
  • Medium-sized plant pots
  • Potting compost
  • Perlite or coarse sand
  • Tray or plant saucers
  • Plant mister
  • Houseplant fertilizer
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    • 1

      Place an inch-thick layer of small pieces of clay pot or coarse gravel at the bottom of medium-sized pots to aid drainage. Prepare one pot for each plant.

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      Mix about two parts general-purpose potting compost with one part perlite or coarse sand to produce a well-draining soil.

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      Transfer each African violet from its original pot to a new one. Pack the compost mixture around the plant.

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      Place a layer of coarse gravel on a tray or plant saucer. Place the pots on top and water them sufficiently to dampen the soil.

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      Position the pots on a windowsill that faces north or east. Alternatively, position them about a foot away from a fluorescent lightbulb. Switch the light on for 12 hours a day. Sufficient light promotes flowering.

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      Move your plants off the windowsill and into the middle of the room at night unless you have well-insulated windows.

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      Mist the leaves lightly once or twice a week.

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      Fill the tray or saucers up with water a couple of times a week. African violets need plenty of moisture, but soggy soil causes problems.

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      Check the bottom of the pot about once a month. When you can see roots through the holes, transfer the plant to a bigger pot.

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      Fertilize the violets with a liquid houseplant fertilizer as per the instructions. Use the minimum amount recommended because too much fertilizer might promote leaf growth but discourage flowering.