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How to Delay the Blooming of Calla Lilies

Calla lillies (Zantedeschia aethiopica) are summer blooming bulbs that produce large, lovely blooms. The common species has white flowers, but many varieties produce yellow, orange red and pink blossoms. Calla lilies and other flowering bulbs do not always bloom when you expect them to, but there are a few tricks you can use to prolong the dormancy cycle and delay the bloom time. Extra nitrogen, low light and lack of moisture are three key steps to take to prevent the bloom cycle in these flowers. One of the easiest ways to delay blooms is to simply keep the bulbs dormant or to delay planting altogether.

Things You'll Need

  • Nitrogen-rich fertilizer
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      Plant bulbs at a later date, if possible, to delay bloom time and prolong the bloom into late summer and fall. Bulbs remain dormant until they are soaked and planted, so this is a surefire way to push back the flower's development.

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      Feed your calla lily with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen encourages plants to grow foliage, while phosphorous results in blossoming. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers will produce a plant with lush, green leaves and no blooms. Keep in mind that if you use a slow-release fertilizer, it could have residual effects and may delay blooming longer than intended.

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      Place the plant in a location with little sunlight indoors and discontinue watering to encourage the flowers to enter a dormancy period. The dormancy period is naturally experienced by the plant in wintertime. The soil should completely dry up. During this time, leaves will dry and turn yellow but remain on the plant and growth will stop. Usually this period continues for two months and is followed by blossoms.

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      Once plants have gone dormant and died back, dig up the bulbs and place them in a dark, dry and cool location.

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      Resume watering when you're ready for the bulbs to regrow and bloom. Once they resume growth, provide a phosphorus-rich fertilizer to encourage blossoms to set forth.