Home Garden

Heating Outdoor Flower Beds to Fight Frosts

All plants and flowers bring beauty to home gardens with their blooms and foliage. These plants and flowers fall into sensitive or hardy groups, though, when it comes to cold tolerance. Sensitive plants fail in cold temperatures, frost and heavy rainstorms, but respond well to some forms of protection. Use both natural and man-made materials to keep sensitive plants safe into late fall.
  1. Organic Tools

    • Start your preparation and protection with natural, organic materials. Prune away old, dead or wasted foliage and blooms to help the plants conserve their energy. Mulch the flower bed with 3 to 4 inches of organic mulch to keep it from freezing. Layer this mulch over the bases of the plants for more protection.


    • Cover the plants at night when temperatures drop under 40 degrees F to protect them against unforeseen frosts. Build a cloche for the plants or drape blankets, sheets or plastic over the entire bed. Remove the covers every morning to allow sun and air circulation.


    • Add heating when temperatures drop below 30 degrees F. Put Christmas lights, lamps, flashlights or floodlights under the coverings and leave them on all night. Keep the lights away from the plants and coverings to avoid burning. Turn the lights off during the day.

    Care During Frost

    • Use the watering process to help sensitive plants, trees and vegetables through frost. Long, deep waterings thaw the soil around plant roots and keep the plants safer at night. Water the plants deeply every morning to thaw the soil and allow the plants to dry before dark.