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What Kind of Habitat for the California Poppy?

California poppies create a vivid tapestry of colors during mid-February through mid-May. Gardeners can replicate this show of wildflowers by creating a habitat conducive to their health. Poppies are generally plant by seeding or planting nursery transplants. Amend garden beds to fix any problems before planting seeds or container plants.
  1. Soil

    • California poppies grow best in sandy, well-draining soil. Gardeners with compacted or clay soil must amend their yard before growing poppies. Growing poppies in poor draining soil results in health problems and disease. To test the soil, grab a handful and squeeze. Soil that crumbles is sandy and an adequate growing medium. When soil is malleable in the hand, it is loamy soil which should have draining abilities that fit poppies' needs. If the soil releases water, it is clay. Spread a layer of peat moss and compost over the lawn and work into the first 6 inches of garden soil.

    Soil pH

    • It is important to grow California poppies in a soil that has a pH range between 5.8 to 7.5. California poppies grown outside of this range cannot absorb the soil's nutrients. To find out your soil's pH, dig a hole that is 3 to 4 inches deep. Conduct a soil pH test. Soil pH tests are available at gardening supply stores. Spread lime if the soil is under 5.8 or apply sulfur for a soil pH more than 7.5.


    • Planting California poppies in full or partial shade results in disease problems. California poppies must be grown in full sunlight. Full sunlight is characterized as an area that receives six to eight hours of sun. Monitor the yard for a day to find out what areas receive full sun. Gardeners with partially shady yards may prune back overhanging branches to increase the amount of sun to their yard. Also, planting in the southern areas of the yard might give California poppies enough sunlight.

    Other Factors

    • Gardeners sow California poppy seeds in the fall to early spring. Those living in regions that experience mild winters can plant California poppy seeds in the fall, while cold climates must wait until early spring. When sowing the seeds, make sure that all weed growth has need removed from the area. Weeds compete with California poppies for the soil's nutrients. Plant California poppies 1/16 of an inch deep in the soil. Water the seeds after planting to encourage germination.