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How Long Do Evening Primrose Flowers Live For?

The common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is native to most of the United States and its bright yellow flowers are often thought to symbolize the beginning of the summer wildflowers. There are about 125 different species of the plant, which is often found on wasteland or by roadsides. Evening primrose is renowned for the size of its flowers which can be up to 5 inches in diameter and are a stunningly bright shade, with a rich, lemon aroma.
  1. Common Evening Primrose Flowers

    • The common evening primrose carries a cluster of flowers on its long stem from May onwards and is remarkable for the fact that the flowers only bloom for a short period and from dusk onwards. During the day, the plant is unremarkable as it only carries buds and dead flowers but from dusk it has a cluster of vivid flowers, with a pleasant lemon aroma. The flowers are withered by morning and a cluster of buds is waiting to open the following morning.

    Sundrops Evening Primrose

    • The sundrops evening primrose (Oenothera fruticosa) is the exact opposite of the common evening primrose and only flowers in the day. This variety has the same characteristics as the common variety but saves its magnificent flowers for daytime spectators. It performs to its fullest potential in full sun locations.

    Pink Flowering Evening Primroses

    • The Mexican evening primrose (Oenothera berlandieri) is similar to common varieties but its flowers are a pretty shade of pink. While, the showy evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa) is often classified as a weed, yet also has spectacular pink blooms.

    Growing Evening Primrose in the Garden

    • It is easy to grow evening primrose in the home garden; however, you should be aware that it can become invasive. Buy your plants from reputable growers, rather than digging up plants from their native habitat, as it is not recommended to dig up native species and they could also bring infections to your other plants.