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Bearded Iris Names

Bearded irises (Iris hybrida) are an ornamental perennial plant that thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10. Flowering during the spring, bearded irises are showy, available in varieties of many different colors and sizes. While “bearded iris” is the only common name for this flowering plant, understanding the botanical name, as well as the different varieties of irises you'll find, helps you to decide which type of iris is best for your garden landscape.
  1. Botanical Name

    • The Iris genus belongs to the Iridaceae plant family. Bearded irises originated in Europe, with the most aesthetically pleasing varieties coming from Asia and the Mediterranean. There are more than 300 different species of irises. Some grow as bulbs, while others have a rhizomatic root system. Due to the range of colors, growth habits and sizes, gardeners can find a variety of bearded iris to fit every garden and landscape style.

    Common Name

    • The common name “bearded iris” is given to this flower for the fuzzy section at the base of the hanging lower petals. This flower is composed of three upper petals, called standards, and three lower petals, called falls. The thick, fuzzy section at the base of the falls resembles a beard. The American Iris Society divides bearded irises into eight subgroups. These groups help to better describe the size and growth habit of the different bearded iris varieties. The subgroups are named Tall Bearded, Miniature Dwarf Bearded, Intermediate Bearded, Standard Dwarf Bearded, Miniature Tall Bearded, Border Bearded, Aril and Arilbred irises.

    Tall and Intermediate Irises

    • Tall and Intermediate bearded irises get their names because they tower above other smaller varieties. Also called TB, tall bearded irises are those that stand over 27.5 inches in height. These prolific bloomers appear later in the season. Intermediate bearded irises, called IB, bloom earlier in the season, standing between 16 and 27 inches in height. IB blossoms are typically 3.5 to 5 inches in width.

    Miniature and Dwarf Irises

    • Miniature and dwarf bearded irises represent the smaller bearded flowers and are typically planted in smaller garden spaces or used as cut flowers. The standard dwarf bearded (SDB) flower stands between 8 and 16 inches tall, with buds that are less than 4 inches in width. The miniature tall bearded iris, called the MTB, is the largest of the smaller varieties, standing between 16 and 27.5 inches in height, with buds that are less than 6 inches in width.

      The smallest bearded iris is the miniature dwarf bearded (MDB) iris, which stands no more than 8 inches tall. The MDB are some of the first iris flowers to appear during the spring season.

    Aril, Arilbred and Border Bearded Irises

    • Aril and Arilbred bearded irises represent groups of hybrid flowers. These two groups are known for their variations and unique looks. The fall, or beard, on these flowers is less pronounced than that of other iris varieties.

      Border bearded irises, called BB, are moderate in height, standing between 16 and 27 inches tall. They are commonly used as border plants and bloom late in the growing season.