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Is Aloysia Virgata a Butterfly Host?

Exuding a vanilla scent while in bloom, sweet almond verbena (Aloysia virgata) grows as tall as 15 feet in proper conditions. This shrub's strong nectar scent attracts butterflies, especially because it has several natural attributes designed specifically for this pollinator. Aloysia virgata prefers warmer U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11.
  1. Location

    • Sweet almond verbena grows vigorously in full sunlight locations while butterflies also prefer sunny areas to feed. Their cold-blooded bodies remain warm in the sunlight, making their wing muscles nimble for strong flight. With this shrub's vigorous growth, the dense foliage also becomes a haven for butterflies as they hide from predators. When the area is safe, they have a short flying distance to the verbena flowers above. To encourage even more butterflies to visit a sweet almond verbena, place a shallow water basin near the bush; butterflies hydrate themselves before visiting the lush flowers.

    Flower Shape

    • Butterflies have modified mouthparts that coil in and out to reach deeply seated nectar. Verbena's tubular flowers shelter the hidden nectar deep inside -- other pollinators cannot reach the nectar. As a result, butterflies have more chances at a full nectar supply in one blossom rather than competing with many different pollinators in the area. They simply unfurl their mouthparts into the flower and siphon the nectar out. Butterflies can visit several verbena blossoms and quickly gain nourishment for reproduction and flight.

    Flower Color and Quantity

    • Butterflies have large eyes that search out bright colors in the landscape. To attract these insects, verbena plants produce white flowers in clusters of five. With the bright sun striking the white blossoms, the color creates a brilliant visual sensation for potential pollination. Because verbena creates multiple blossoms simultaneously, butterflies continuously feed on one plant to conserve energy. Verbena gains more chances of pollination with constant insect activity.

    Blossom Timing

    • Sweet almond verbena naturally blooms between spring and fall. This warm period also brings out many butterflies as they emerge from their cocoons. Verbena strategically grows tall flower stalks to keep the blossoms high above the foliage -- butterflies spot the flowers as they fly past. With the flowers' scent wafting through the air in high concentrations, butterflies are attracted to the shrub in the afternoon and early evening. As each flower cluster fades, verbena produces more blossoms to maintain prolific pollination and seed development.