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How to Cross Canna Plants

Canna lilies are tall, colorful tropical plants, with bright to dark green foliage and red, orange, yellow and pink blooms. Different canna cultivars grow to different sizes, ranging from 2 to 8 feet, and bear their blooms at different times. Crossing multiple cannas to produce your own hybrids is an easy process for gardeners with enough space. Plant multiple canna cultivars in the right sites and soils and allow nature to do the rest.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic compost
  • Garden fork
  • Bulb fertilizer/bone meal
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  1. Grow Canna Lilies

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      Plant canna rhizomes in spring after the last frost. These tropical plants need warm-weather starts and growing seasons, and fail in late frosts.

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      Find sites with full sunshine and quick drainage for the cannas. As perennial bulbs, cannas survive for years but need quick year-round drainage in their soil. They won't bloom without adequate sunshine and air.

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      Amend the soil to a depth of 8 to 10 inches for the bulbs. Dig into the natural soil throughout the bed to loosen the foundation, and add 4 to 5 inches of organic compost for better nutrition and soil quality. This mixture also retains moisture for long-term growth. Add bone meal or bulb fertilizer, per manufacturer directions, to give the rhizomes a quick start.

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      Plant several canna cultivars in the same bed for cross-pollination via insects and wind. Plant the rhizomes at 1 to 3 feet in the bed and 3 to 4 inches deep. Some canna cultivars grow to over 2 feet in spread, and need plenty of space.

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      Water the cannas with 2 inches of water every week. Look for germination within two weeks, and growth and blooming in the first year.

    Gather Canna Seeds

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      Watch for canna seeds. The seed pods develop on the stems, just below the flowers, and grow larger when the flowers fade and fall off. Leave stems with pods attached for development, and cut down stems without pods.

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      Harvest seed pods when the outer shells dry and turn brown. Harvest the pods before they break, as breaking leads to losing the seeds.

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      Break the pods open to harvest the seeds inside. These seeds will develop into your canna lily hybrids with attentive planting and care.