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How to Plant Bulbs With Ground Cover

Planning a flower garden requires research and preparation in regard to lighting, soil and space. This research pays off with spring and summer flowering. When you plant flower bulbs for daffodils, tulips, crocus, lilies, gladiolus, cannas or the like, the blooms return year after year with the right care. Although you can plant flower bulbs with almost any other landscaping plant, it's important to make sure that spreading plants like ground cover are clear when it comes time for the bulbs to bloom again.

Things You'll Need

  • Quick-draining soil
  • Organic compost
  • Spade
  • Pruning shears
  • Cardboard box
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      Trim any established ground cover to open up the planting site. All flower bulbs have different space requirements; use those requirements to measure your planting sites. Plant flower bulbs according to their season for best success. Plant fall bulbs like calla lilies, daffodils and tulips in fall, after the first frost, so they receive a winter cold stratification. Plant spring bulbs like lilies, crocus and gladiolus in early spring, after frost has passed, for spring growth and summer blooms.

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      Amend the soil with a combination of half quick-draining soil and half organic compost to a depth of 6 inches, to give the bulbs good drainage and nutrition. Plant flower bulbs at depths that are two to three times the length of your bulbs, and cover the bulbs with amended soil.

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      Maintain flower bulbs through their blooming seasons, which may last from early spring through summer, depending on the type of flower. Most flower bulbs require frequent waterings of 1 to 2 inches of water a week, but don't require any additional fertilizer or compost. Allow flowers to complete their bloom, and the foliage to die at its own rate.

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      Dig bulbs up after the foliage has yellowed and died back, to store the bulbs until replanting. Fill a cardboard or plastic bin with quick-draining soil and organic compost and re-plant the bulbs in the bin as you would in the outdoor garden. Store the bin in a cool, dry area during the summer and/or winter, while the bulbs are dormant. You do not need to water the bulbs while they're in storage.

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      Maintain ground cover through summer and into fall with consistent waterings. Do not prune the ground cover or restrict it from growing over the open sites. Prune the ground cover back and replant bulbs in their standard planting season for reblooming in spring or summer.