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How to Buy Crocus Sativus

Aspiring gourmets prize the Crocus sativus flower. Its stamen produce saffron threads, the much-prized but outrageously expensive spice that adds dimension to paellas and pilafs. Rather than pay as much as $44 for a quarter of an ounce of saffron threads, cooks with a green thumb might choose to buy Crocus sativus and grow their own saffron. The crocus bulbs themselves are affordable; it's the labor required to harvest saffron in bulk that drives up its price. Crocus sativus bulbs are available from grower's websites, seed catalogs and garden centers.


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      Look for crocus sativus bulbs in the fall. Crocus sativus is a fall crocus, and the bulbs are only available in the autumn months, beginning in mid-September. If you don't buy them in the fall, most growers will wait until the fall months to ship the bulbs to you.

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      Perform a web search or look through seed catalogs to find a grower who has Crocus sativus for sale. If you live in the extreme climate conditions of hot, sunny summers and cold winters where Crocus sativus thrives best, you may be able to find local garden centers or plant nurseries that sell the flowers or bulbs. Crocus sativus bulbs are available from garden companies such as Companion Plants in Ohio, Willow Creek Gardens in California and Touch of Nature in Georgia. If you can't find a local source for Crocus sativus, many growers' websites sell the bulbs online.

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      Ensure your grower is reputable. Reputable growers are ones who will wait until fall months to ship the bulbs to you. You should also be wary and make sure you are buying the right kind of crocus. Look for the scientific name "Crocus sativus." The flower is commonly called "saffron crocus," but this can be confusing, because autumn meadow crocuses, or Colchicum autumnale, are also sometimes called "saffron crocus," although they are a completely different genus and species.

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      Purchase the bulbs, through an online transaction or in person at a garden center. Remember that if you are buying from a website, you will need to pay for shipping as well.