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How to Plant Hyacinth Bulbs Indoors

Hyacinths are spring-blooming bulbs, but with very little effort, you can force the bulbs to bloom indoors during the winter months. Plant a hyacinth bulb when bulbs are available between September and December, and by the darkest part of winter, you can enjoy the glorious, sweet-scented flower. A hyacinth bulb planted in mid-September will bloom in time for Christmas. Plant hyacinth bulbs in mid-October for bright blooms in February. For an early spring bloom, plant bulbs the week before Thanksgiving.


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      Fill a planting container to within 1/2 inch from the top with compost. Use a 4-inch container to plant an individual bulb. A 6-inch container will hold three bulbs. If the container has no drainage holes, use bulb fiber instead of compost.

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      Plant a hyacinth bulb in the container with the pointed end facing up. Bury approximately 1/2 to 2/3 of the bulb in the soil with the top of the bulb sticking up above the soil. The top of the hyacinth bulb should be even with the top of the container.

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      Place the container in a cool, dark place -- such as a garage, basement or shed -- where the temperature will be below 48 degrees Fahrenheit, but above freezing. Check the hyacinth bulb two to three times every week and water lightly if the compost feels dry to the touch.

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      Bring the hyacinth bulb into the light when the stems are about 2 inches tall, which will take eight to 12 weeks. Place the container in a cool, well-lit room. Although the bulb will bloom in a warm room, the blooms will last longer in bright light and cool temperatures of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Move the hyacinth plant into a warm room when the hyacinth flower is just about to open.