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Landscaping Ideas: Planting Daffodils & Tulips

It does not much matter where you live; a sure sign of spring is the blooming of daffodils and tulips. These flowers appear in abundance in yards, gardens, unattended fields and even alongside roads. You can use daffodils and tulips in your own spring landscaping. Plant both tulips and daffodils at depths of 4 to 6 inches. Because they both bloom in early spring, interspersing them throughout your landscaping can make it colorful.
  1. Against Fencing

    • If you have fencing that needs a little dressing up, tulips and daffodils are the way to go. Plant the bulbs in a 2-foot-wide strip in front of the fence. Making a raised bed in the foot of ground right up against the fence will give your landscaping a little height. The most common daffodils are yellow, but you can also find white and some with frilled edges. Tulips come in all colors. Daffodils and tulips are perennials.

    Along Paths

    • Tulips and daffodils make good edgings and borders to define paths. This can be along the sidewalk or driveway leading up to your house or along a much longer path that meanders through your garden. Plant single rows of tulips and daffodils, interspersing the different varieties.

      The bulbs will probably need separating every four or five years to keep the paths from looking overgrown. Another way to keep your paths looking neat is to provide some sort of edging, such as cedar or short decorative fencing, on either side of the tulip and daffodil bulbs.

    Around Trees

    • If you want to dress up the base of your trees, plant a raised bed of tulips or daffodils. To make a raised bed, cut lumber to whatever measurements you need to make a box around the tree. Fill in the box with composted soil and then plant the bulbs. Make sure the bulbs get about 1 inch of water per week, especially during dry weather. If you are landscaping around a lot of trees, make your boxes the same size to give a uniform look.

    In Containers

    • When you plant flowers in containers and add them to your landscaping, you are also adding height and dimension. Place the pots on stumps or pedestals in your garden or on your porch, patio or deck. Plant the bulbs in the pots in the fall and wait for spring blooms. After the season is over you can transplant the bulbs to the garden.