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How Deep to Plant Tiger Lily Bulbs

Tiger lilies are one of many Asiatic hybrid lilies. The tiger lily is noted for its hardiness and its orange-and-black variegation.
  1. Minimum Depth

    • University of Florida horticulturists suggest planting the bulbs at least 2 inches from the ground's surface. Successful growers also plant bulbs 3 to 5 inches into the ground.

    Stem Roots

    • Like most plants, tiger lilies have a root system that supports the growing plant's shoots, or stem. Tiger lilies also have a stem root, a root that grows above the bulb and extends to the above-ground stem. The stem root takes up most of the growing plant's nutrients and is essential to healthy tiger lily development. Since the stem root requires room to grow, deep planting -- 2 to 5 inches below ground -- is necessary.


    • Tiger lily bulbs are smaller than those of the average lily. The bulbs, or bulbils, are usually black and grow along the tiger lily's stem. Tiger lilies are propagated by planting the small "bulbils" in rows. Horticulturists from the North American Lily Society have found that one to two years after bulbil planting your garden will have a sizable number of tiger lilies.