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When Is Daffodil Planting Time in Tennessee?

Daffodils are bright, showy flowers and are some of the first to bloom in the springtime. These flowers thrive throughout the country, including the deep south of Tennessee, but do require specific planting times and conditions.
  1. Season

    • Daffodils are fall bulbs and require a fall planting if they're to bloom for spring. In Tennessee, purchase and plant them after the heat of summer leaves and the weather begins to cool.

    Frost Dates

    • According to American Meadows, the best time to plant any fall bulb is around the first frost in the area, when evening temperatures drop to 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In Tennessee, first frost ranges from early to late October. The Central Mississippi Daffodil Society agrees, noting that deep South daffodils do best with plantings from mid-October to Thanksgiving.

    Indoor Daffodils

    • For Tennessee gardeners who are planting their daffodils in pots, planting can take place at any time of the year. Gardeners must store the bulbs in the refrigerator for up to 13 weeks to give them their "winter" chill and then plant them in pots with quick-draining soil. Daffodils will bloom at any time with the right warmth and sun exposure.